Reference Manual‎ > ‎The Blueprint Editor‎ > ‎

Blueprint Editor Overview

The core purpose of the Blueprint Editor is creation and preparation of elements to be used in Train Simulator. To this end, the Blueprint Editor is used on the ‘Source’ side of Train Simulator and is used to export blueprints to be usable within the simulation, not the 'Deployment' side.  Assets, when exported, will be located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\railworks\Assets and it is not recommended that files in this folder be edited directly. Files should always be modified in Source and then exported.

Items available to be created, viewed, edited, and exported in the Asset Editor will need to be located in the 'Source' folder inside the main Train Simulator installation folder (by default C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\railworks\Source).

To launch the Blueprint Editor, navigate to the Train Simulator installation root folder, double-click the BlueprintEditor2.exe file.


 Source SideRefers to files that are used directly by the Blueprint Editor and located in the Source application folder 
 Deployment SideRefers to the files that are used directly by Train Simulator and located in the Assets application folder