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Blueprint Editor Main Window

The Blueprint Editor consists of two major components, a file editor and a 3D Previewer. Within the editing window are several elements, each of which is described below.


This window allows you to navigate the folder tree of your source directory within RailWorks. Its usage is very similar to Windows Explorer. This saves you having to search through the various folders to find the file you need before loading up the Asset Editor.


This window is where all the data is input and edited. Each element can be expanded or reduced to view the contents within, as more often than not elements in RailWorks have a vast number of adjustable parameters to allow extreme accuracy in creation.

Action Buttons

These can be found at the top of the window.

SaveSaves any changes or the new data that you have input or deleted 
PreviewProcess the data entered into the active blueprint and loads it into the 3D Preview window for inspection and further adjustment
ExportThis processes the active blueprint and exports it into Train Simulator for use in-game

Message Area

This window gives message outputs related to an action being taken. It will display any error messages from badly set up data when loading a blueprint, as well as relay any issues when trying to export the active blueprint. These actions also occur when saving.