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Interior Lever

This is used for Lever type controls:

Element NameHere you can input a description of the control. This text is used as reference only.
Difficulty TypeStop Go / Stop Go Only / Intermediate / Expert
This setting ‘filters down’ so If you specify ‘Stop Go’ here the control will be usable in all three modes Stop Go, Intermediate and Expert as long as the control is also present in each Input Mapper.
If ‘Expert’ is specified it is only usable in Expert mode, not Intermediate or Stop Go.
‘Stop Go Only’ means that the control is only usable in Stop Go, not the other two modes.
Pick Transform NameThis is the Transform Name from the 3DS Max model of the cab. This value is needed for the Control to be operable with the Mouse.
Movement TypeUse the Type most appropriate to the movement and type of the Control: Move Left Right / Move Right left / Move Up Down / Move Down Up / Push Button / Push and Hold Button
Analog SensitivityThis is the sensitivity of the Control when operated with the Mouse. The higher the value, the more sensitive the control, i.e. the faster it moves.
Digital SensitivityThis is the sensitivity of the Control when operated with the Keyboard. The higher the value, the more sensitive the control, i.e. the faster it moves.
Animation NameThis is the link to .IA 3DS Max Intermediate Animation file. This needs to be specified for the control to Animate with the Keyboard.
Rest in NotchThis determines if the lever can be set in between notches or has to be at one of the notch positions and can’t be left in between. If it is left between, it will settle to a notch position.
NotchHere you can specify the number of notches for the different positions on the lever.
Identifier: Here you can input a description of the control. This text is used as reference only.
Value: This is the position of a specific notch on a scale of 0 to 1. E.g. 0.25 would be a quarter of the way through full movement of the lever.