Reference Manual‎ > ‎The Blueprint Editor‎ > ‎Cab Control Blueprints‎ > ‎Control Blueprint‎ > ‎Interface Element‎ > ‎

Interior Multi-Ref Lever

This is used to define a Combined Controller such as the Combined Brake / Throttle control in the Class 166. It allows two existing controls to be mapped on
to one new one.

 Element NameHere you can input a description of the control. This text is used as reference only.
 Difficulty TypeStop Go / Stop Go Only / Intermediate / Expert
This setting ‘filters down’ so if you specify ‘Stop Go’ here, the control will be usable in all three modes Stop Go, Intermediate and Expert, as long as the control is also present in each Input Mapper.
If Expert is specified it is only usable in Expert mode, not Intermediate or Stop Go.
Stop Go Only means that the control is only usable in Stop Go, not the other two modes.
 Pick Transform NameThis is the Transform Name from the 3DS Max model of the cab. This value is needed for the Control to be operable with the Mouse.
 Movement TypeMove Left Right / Move Right left / Move Up Down / Move Down Up / Push Button / Push and Hold Button
Use the Type most appropriate to the movement and type of the Control.
 Analog SensitivityThis is the sensitivity of the Control when operated with the Mouse. The higher the value, the more sensitive the control, i.e. the faster it moves.
 Digital SensitivityThis is the sensitivity of the Control when operated with the Keyboard. The higher the value, the more sensitive the control, i.e. the faster it moves.
 Animation NameThis is the link to .IA 3DS Max Intermediate Animation file. This needs to be specified for the control.
 Control ReferenceThis is where the two controls that are being combined are added.
Reference Name: The name of the existing control, e.g. 'Regulator'.
Minimum & Maximum Values: The Min and Max Values determine the proportion of the new Combined Control that the existing control takes. In the Example above, both the Regulator and Train Brake take an equal 50% of the Combined Controller, the Train Brake from 0 to 0.5 and the Regulator from 0.5 to 1.
Output at Min & Max: These two values define how the existing controls linked by the new Combined Control work. In the above example, as the Combined controller goes from 0 to 0.5, the Train Brake goes from 1 to 0 (i.e. Full Apply to Full Release) and as the Combined Controller goes from 0.5 to 1.0, the Regulator goes from 0 to 1 (Idle to Full Throttle).
Disable Input: Values available: True / False This determines if the keyboard controls for the existing controls still function. E.g., in the example above, whether <’> and <;> for the Train Brake still work.