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Cargo Component

A MU can have its Passenger Doorways defined here, as Passenger Doorway Defs.

Passenger seat Def is not currently used, but was intended for automatically generating passengers as the train loads or empties.

For a Passenger vehicle, this is where "Passenger Doorways" are defined.

For a Freight vehicle, this is where "Cargo" is defined.

Container Cargo Def

 Position & ElementThis is the point (adjusted via the Preview window) where the container will be loaded

Bulk Cargo Def

 Trigger BoxThis is the size of the trigger box used for refuelling from Loading Points. The bigger the box, the easier it is to line up with the Loading Points. 
Width: Specified in meters
Height: Specified in meters
Depth: Specified in meters
Element: Not Used. The cargo position has to be positioned (if different from the models origin of 0,0 in the Preview window
 CapacityMaximum Capacity in gallons for liquids, lbs for solids
 Bulk Freight TypeSelect what the freight type is, here
 Animation IDIf there is an animation for when the engine is loading this freight, specify the name of that animation (as set when modelling the geometry) here
 Blueprint Set IDEnter name of provider and product
 Blueprint IDSpecify the location to the Cargo Blueprint

Passenger Doorway Def

This is for Multiple Units doorways. There must be one entry per door on the DMU vehicle.

 Door SideChoose which side the doors for this reference are located
 Offset X / ZPosition of each door
 Rate Per SecondThis is the number of passengers that can use the door per second